Wrought Iron Courtyard Gates San Diego, CA
Serving Courtyard Gates in Coronado, Chula Vista, La Mesa
Garden Gates Create Beautiful Enclosures
If you have a garden or other area of beautiful landscaping in your San Diego, CA home or business, you may want to consider including garden gates to enhance the experience of enjoying your garden. Walking through garden gates to reach a backyard or a beautifully landscaped garden can certainly increase the pleasure of the exercise. In addition, even if you have a standard front yard and back yard situation rather than extensive property, garden gates are convenient ways to move from front yard to back yard in order to do yard work. To see examples of our beautiful garden gates, courtyard gates, and driveway gates, and to get a free quote for gate repair in San Diego, CA, please visit Iron Contractors of San Diego.
What other types of gates are available?
Driveway Gates 
| Remote Entry Gates 
| Access Control Gates 
What materials are available for gates?
- Aluminum material for gates is commonly used where weight is a factor.
- Decorative steel is probably the most common used for gates in areas that require a stronger material. It's less expensive to manufacture than iron and still gives you a decorative entry.
- Wrought Iron is the most costly of the material to use but it offers an ol' world charm that can't be duplicated with any other material.
- Wood is used where the proper decor is necessary.
- Many times the material doesn't matter other than when cost or strength issues become a driving decision in the material selection.
If I have existing columns can I add a gate?
The simple answer is yes. We have run into this situation in San Diego, CA, many of times. There are many driveways that are very old where the iron gate has columns have broken down over time. First we must know how the columns were built internally. The gate will add stress to any column and if it wasn't built with adding a gate in mind other options may be necessary. Most times the simple answer is to add a post next to in the rear of the column to support a new gate. This is the best way to support your new gate without destroying the existing column.
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